Materiality Items (Key Sustainability Issues)
The TATSUTA Group pursues higher corporate value through sustainability
management, and has identified
“materiality items (key sustainability issues)”
with the aim of achieving the sustainable development of our businesses and society.
Materiality Identification Process
In 2020, we launched the ESG Committee to oversee all sustainability activities and identified the TATSUTA Group’s materiality items (key sustainability issues). We will continue to regularly validate and update these materiality items.
Sustainability Promotion System
The TATSUTA Group has established an ESG Committee chaired by the President & Representative Director to promote sustainability management across the Group. The ESG Committee is positioned alongside the Board of Managing Officers and Internal Control Committee as a meeting body under the direct control of the President & Representative Director. The Administration and Human Resources Department and Corporate Planning and Coordination Department, which act as the Committee’s secretariat, coordinate with the various business divisions by setting sustainability targets, monitoring their progress, and evaluating achievements.
Materiality-based initiatives and related SDGs
- For inquiries about ESG