At the TATSUTA Group, in the context of a rapidly changing business environment, it is important for us to develop professional human resources who are willing and able to actively take on challenges and drive the creation of innovation and global growth. Therefore, we have formulated the following Human Resource Development Policy.
Human Resource Development Policy
Basic approach
In compliance with the Corporate Principles and the Corporate Code of Conduct, we shall develop human resources that will assume the role of realizing sustainable development of the Company and enhancement of corporate value over the medium to long term.
Link with the personnel system
Based on the Description Table of Roles and Grades in the personnel system, we shall develop human resources according to the roles and skills required for various levels.
Ideal candidate profile
- Human resources that are able to formulate a vision for the future based on an accurate understanding of the current situation and future outlook, overseeing the entire Group from a global perspective
- Human resources that embrace diversity and are able to lead an organization, department, or workplace while working to smoothly coordinate with other departments
- Human resources that take on challenges with a sense of urgency and are able to respond autonomously in the face of changes in social conditions, technological innovations, etc.
- Human resources that are ambitious, have high ethical standards, and are capable of lifelong learning and self-improvement
Adoption of new personnel systems
Transforming to a ‘fulfilling personnel system’ that encourages each employee
to take on challenges and rewards those who strive to do better
In the new system, employees are given a clear image of the required human resources, actions, and roles according to their respective position, and they are to set challenge goals in line with management and departmental policies each year. We ensure a transparent and convincing assessment system by conducting activities including regular interviews of supervisors and subordinates, training for assessors, and assessments by external organizations in cases such as appointing managers. We encourage individual employee growth in an effort to achieve further corporate growth.
Training programs
The TATSUTA Electric Wire & Cable Group provides training opportunities to all employees for continued growth and has established a training system as an opportunity for learning specialized knowledge.
- Education and training system
At the TATSUTA Electric Wire & Cable Group, we endeavor to develop human resources that have a wide range of skills. In terms of company-wide education, in addition to graded training and next-generation development education, we introduced Udemy Business to support independent growth and learning and to provide selective skill improvement training and on-demand video training.
At the same time, by cultivating DX awareness, since the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022, we have developed a broad range of personnel to contribute to improving productivity, and key talents to lead the transformation of our business model.
- For inquiries about ESG
- Social Report Capital and Diversity